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Project: World’s Largest Thermal Conduction Heating Site


Teterboro, NJ


Mix of CVOCs


122,000 cy


Reduce CVOC concentration to 1 mg/kg

Number of Heaters


Mass Removed

34,000 lbs.



Important Project Details

Approach: The source zone was divided into four quadrants with 5 different treatment depths, heated simultaneously. Prior to implementation, a risk and optimization study led to placement of a vertical sheet-pile wall around the treatment zone to minimize groundwater flow.

Challenges: A small area with high starting concentrations proved to be recalcitrant with soil concentrations plateauing at levels between 5 and 20 mg/kg. Four additional heaters were installed, and 10 days later the remedial goals were achieved in this location.

Successful Results: Results from 270 confirmatory samples verified that concentrations of all twelve contaminants of concern had been reduced to 1mg/kg or lower. Heating was stopped in treated portion of the target treatment zone which lowered estimated electrical use by 16%.

What Makes this Project Unique

The redevelopment of a former aerospace manufacturing facility adjacent to a commercial airport was the main driver. This project is unique because it is the world’s largest TCH Site by volume to date covering an area of 3.2 acres. It is also unique because we used direct push to install 90% of all heater cans and saved the client approximately $500,000.

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